Belief propagation algorithm

updated: 2022-11-28

The belief propagation algorithm is an optimal community detection method for sparse networks.




The belief propagation method does not consistently produce a good result, in large part, because of the high sensitivity to the initial condition. In fact, without a good guess about the group size and connectivity of groups, the belief propagation can easily fall short even if the communities are easily detectable. Having consulted with one of the inventors, we learn two remedies:

  1. Provide a good initial pa and cab for the communities we want to detect
  2. Run the algorithm multiple times and pick the solution that achieves the lowest energy

The first remedy is helpful if we use the belief propagation algorithm as the best possible algorithm. The downside is that this remedy is not applicable to a setting where we don't have a good guess about the communities we want to detect. The second remedy works for all settings, though it is computationally expensive.