Paramspace - Enabling grid search at scale - Snakemake

updated: 2022-11-29

Snakemake provides a rich set of functions to handle parameter spaces. Yet, it gets tedious when exploring many combinations of many types of parameters. Snakemake provides a helper called Paramspace to handle this situation.

Paramspace takes pandas DataFrame, where each row represents a combination of parameter values. Then, Paramspace generates a placeholder for parameters that can be used as a part of a file name. For instance,

# declare a data frame to be a paramspace
paramspace = Paramspace(pd.read_csv("params.tsv", sep="\t"))
input_file = f"results/simulations/{paramspace.wildcard_pattern}.tsv"

Here, the input_file looks like this:


where the alpha to gamma is parameter names taken from the columns of the input DataFrame.

It is convenient, though I don't like creating the DataFrame. So I wrote a simple utility function that makes parameter handling easier.

Utilities for Snakemake · GitHub

Download the util.smk and put it under the same folder as Snakemake resides. Then, import it by

include: "./utils.smk"

The way it works is as follows. Suppose that I have five parameters and want to run a workflow for every combination of the parameters. I specify the name and value of parameters by dict as follows:

params_spherical_model = {
    "symmetric":[False, True],
    "aging":[False, True],
    "fitness":[True, False],
    "dim": [16, 64, 128],

Create a Paramspace helper by passing the dict to my utility function to_params:

spherical_model_paramspace = to_paramspace(params_spherical_model)

Then, define the filename using wildcard_pattern, e.g.,

GEOMETRIC_MODEL_FILE = f"model_{spherical_model_paramspace.wildcard_pattern}.pt"

You can use it as an input/output of rules, e.g.,

rule model_fitting_spherical_model:
        paper_table_file = PAPER_TABLE,
        net_file = CITATION_NET,
        output_file = GEOMETRIC_MODEL_FILE
        dim = lambda wildcards : wildcards.dim,
        geometry = lambda wildcards : wildcards.geometry,
        aging = lambda wildcards : wildcards.aging,
        symmetric = lambda wildcards : wildcards.symmetric,
        fitness = lambda wildcards :,
        #in_out_coupling_strength = lambda wildcards : float(wildcards.couplingStrength)

Here, the parameter values are retrieved via wildcards, e.g.,

dim = lambda wildcards : wildcards.dim

which can be accessed from the script via the snakemake object, e.g.,

dim = snakemake.params["dim"]

See Directive - Powerful integration of python scripts into workflow - Snakemake.