
GitHub - conda-forge/miniforge: A conda-forge distribution.

Auto-switching conda environment

Create .script folder and put the following script:


# conda-auto-env automatically activates a conda environment when
# entering a folder with an environment.yml file.
# If the environment doesn't exist, conda-auto-env creates it and
# activates it for you.
# To install add this line to your .bashrc or .bash-profile:
#       source /path/to/

function conda_auto_env() {
  if [ -e "environment.yml" ]; then
    # echo "environment.yml file found"
    ENV=$(head -n 1 environment.yml | cut -f2 -d ' ')
    # Check if you are already in the environment
    if [[ $PATH != *$ENV* ]]; then
      # Check if the environment exists
      conda activate $ENV
      if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        # Create the environment and activate
        echo "Conda env '$ENV' doesn't exist."
        conda env create -q
        source activate $ENV

precmd() { eval conda_auto_env }

And add the .script to the execution path by adding the two lines to .zshrc

export PATH=$HOME/.script:$PATH
source $HOME/.script/


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/skojaku/anaconda3/lib/