Wildcard - Abstracting out file names - Snakemake

updated: 2022-11-29


Snakemake provides a wildcards variable that abstracts out file names so that we can use the same abstracted file name to generate different files. This allows us to populate independent workflow in a convenient and concise way and execute them in parallel.

Suppose that you want to run a simulation times with different random seeds. You have CSV files to save the simulation results. With wildcards, this can be defined in one line code:

SIM_RESULT = "results/run_id~{run_id}.csv"

Here {run_id} is the wildcard and does not need to be specified in priori. Once the simulations are finished, you may want to plot the results in some figures and save them into pdfs. You can specify the pdf filenames using wildcards:

FIG_SIM_RESULT = "figs/run_id~{run_id}.pdf"

The wildcard {run_id} creates an implicit link between SIM_RESULT and FIG_SIM_RESULT through a rule:

Rule plot:

Snakemake will determine that FIG_SIM_RESULT depends on SIM_RESULT with the same wildcards (e.g., run_id) and create a dependency graph of files. Finally, we specify rule_ids.

rule all:
		expand(FIG_SIM_RESULT, rule_id = list(range(5)))

This all rule specifies the final products and figures, with run_id integers from 0 to 4. A beauty is that snakemake will figure out all intermediate files by backtracking from the final products, creating a dependency graph, and running a series of jobs. Snakemake will run rules in parallel if their input files are independent.