zsh without sudo

Donwload the zsh script

wget -O zsh.tar.xz https://sourceforge.net/projects/zsh/files/latest/download
mkdir zsh && unxz zsh.tar.xz && tar -xvf zsh.tar -C zsh --strip-components 1
cd zsh

and compile by make

./configure --prefix=$HOME/.bin
make install

and add the following line to .bashrc

[ -f $HOME/bin/zsh ] && exec $HOME/bin/zsh -l

Add a path to conda by copying conda initialize blcok in .bashrc to .zshrc. And install oh-my-zsh if prefer.

Install oh my zsh without sudo

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh | sed -e 's/grep\ \/zsh\$\ \/etc\/shells/which zsh/g' | zsh